Monday, February 2, 2009

I've been a bad blogger

I haven't blogged about anything noteworthy in what seems like months.  I don't know why...though I have been very busy lately.

The Fascianos are doing well...keeping our heads above water during this winter. Boys are good.

Turns out, after taking Matty to his neuro for an emergency visit in mid-January b/c of really negative behavior in school, that it turns out he's in stage 4 of puberty (out of 5).  Who knew?  He's about 2.5 to 3 years ahead of where he should be in terms of puberty.  They measure by the amount and length of pubic hair, size of testicles, etc....stage 4 out of 5!!!!!! He's not 12 until April.  His voice is changing, he's moody and definitely has reached the point where showering daily is a must.  I feel for him, he's not really understanding what's happening to his body, and you can explain away, but he has a limited understanding.  Like everything else, we'll get through it.

Benjamin is having a tough time eating with no front teeth, and I'm surprised.  He was averse to eating anything for a while, though now he's back on track.  His new ones are coming in.  He's doing great in school.

Anthony is working 100% of the time in I even need to mention how unhappy it makes him to do that commute everyday? Whatever, it is what it is....not much can be done to change that in this economy.

Me?  Working....3 days a week now...1 day in NYC....2 days at home.  It's perfect for me.  I love my work and it's completely manageable. 

Not sure why I'm embarrassed to say this, but I returned to Weight Watchers after a miserable last couple of years of simply working out and not monitoring food....that didn't work quite as I thought it would, though I am in pretty good shape now....I'm still too big.  I was so miserable about my size...that in late 2008, I was almost paralyzed by it, but since returning to WW 1/5/09, I've lost 10 lbs, close to the 10% lost mark, which is will take me a few more months to get to goal, but I'm not stopping unil I become a lifetime member.  Last time I did WW was after I had Matty, the weight melted away...but then once I lost the weight I stopped idea why...I guess I knew I wasn't done having children, so I figured I'd wait until then....well, Ben's almost 6 now...I am WAY overdue.  Better late than never.  I love WW, it's real food, it's a lifestyle, and I am embracing it. 

We have a bunch of things going on...we're going to VT in a few weeks for the long holiday weekend and to see Anthony's family up there...very excited about other SIL and her husband and kids are coming the 8 cousins will all be together.

We're contemplating the Easter trip this year...we need to replace all the windows in the house...and we have a couple other projects brewing, so we're trying to figure it all out.

Anthony and I are officially going to Paris in mid-May...I'm beyond excited about that...that's about 10 years over due but I'm sure it will be well worth the wait.

I'm on Facebook way more than I should be, but truth be told, I'm fascinated by it, as juvenile as it is. 

I'm hoping to be able to go to Washington DC in early Marsh to attend a Fragile X Advocacy Day sponsored by the NFXF which is where they arrange for you to meet with your legislators and you go and tell your story about your kids and ask that they support legislation that supports funding for research for FX.

I'm also thinking about running for one of 3 vacant seats on our local School Board of Education. Not sure how welcome I would be as a mom of 2 kids with special needs, and a mom of no typically developing children....people might think I have an agenda.

Everything else is pretty good...I cannot complain.

I promise to be more diligent about blogging     

Blogged with the Flock Browser


Aim said...

We have more and more similarities all the time. I, too, joined WW this year after gaining way more than I should have the last 2 years. Weigh in is today, but so far I'm down 3.2. I'm hoping to be a lifetime member too!

Unknown said...

Paula, Welcome back to blogging. I missed reading about you and the boys. How about getting together soon. I would love to see the boys. Give me a call when you have a minute. Say hi to all Doris

Anonymous said...

Great to see you back. Sounds like you have been having a very busy Winter. I can't wait to hear more about your trip to Paris, where will the boys be while you are gone? Good Luck with WW.

ALLY2HisHeart said...

Nice to see you blogging again Paula---you are doing MUCH better than I am. I just haven't had the time....

Paris--that is COOL! And you do such a great job with your boys. You always and forever have my utmost admiration.

Here's to hoping Spring comes soon!


The Wilson's said...

Paula ,
I started reading your blog this past summer when we learned that our son had been diagnosed with fragile x. I started WW for the first time this past fall. I'm still 1pound away from my 10%--it's not going to happen this week with valentine's day! I enjoy reading about your family - thanks for the posts