Monday, October 1, 2012

It's really unbelievable how I don't blog anymore

and really sad.  I would blog every so often, but I've become so caught up with so many different things, that I'm sad to say I've been neglectful.

September 2012 update.....

Matty is absolutely having a terrific time in high school.  I feel very lucky that he's in such a good program with so many different kinds of opportunities. He has after school opportunities, social and sporting activities....he's quite the busy young man.  Makes me really happy for him.

Benji has officially been elected mayor of his classroom.  He is with the same teacher for the 4th year in a row, so he knows the ropes of the classroom and school.  He is thriving more than I could imagine.  Independent reading was something we'd NEVER see.  Of course he feigns reading, and tells you he's read when he hasn't, but NOW he's READING.  THAT is SO HUGE!!!!!!!!  I was blown away by the interest and the willingness to's been like pulling teeth since he's an infant....but like anything else, we just kept on trying....we never gave up on him. He'd cry, wiggle, run away, get angry, etc...ANYTHING to AVOID to reading.  He's another one, with the social and sporting schedule. 

Dear Husband has been out of work since March......and get ready for this one.....we're STILL married!  I didn't realize just how tired I  was after doing most of the everyday parenting for the past 15 years.  I have become very spoiled.  Some mornings, I don't get up until 8am!!!!!!  I literally roll out of bed, and roll into my home office.  He's even got coffee made!   I will be sad if and when he goes back to work.   It's also given him the opportunity to spend time with the boys like he's never had before.  It has been really good.

Look at that.....6:10....time to make some dinner! 


Jenna said...

Hi matty and Benji!
My name is Jenna and I came across your site. You are both special gifts, precious miracles, awesome eathly angels, and handsome prince's. Youa re both brave warriors, smilen champs, Courageous and determined fighter's and Inspirational hero's!

Matty it is so awesome that you are in a great program and doing well in scoical activities and sport programs. Go Matty Go!

Benji I am so proud of you that your mayor of your class room! I am also very proud of you that you are now reading! U rock Benji!

I was born with a rare life threatening disease, developmental delays and 14 other medical conditions.

Amy Z. said...

blog more, P! hard to keep up with you on so few updates ;-)