So, I've completed the Infinite Possibilities Cleanse. I completed all 4 phases, and removed my final set of magnets off my ears on Monday 7pm. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I lost a total of 32 pounds (yes, for me, I was pushing my own personal "maximum density") and 37 inches in total between my shoulders, midriff, waist, hips, butt, thighs and ankles. I've gone back to my skinny clothes, which I haven't worn since 2008...which means they need updating.....serious updating. I digress.
I won't lie and say the cleanse was easy...because it's not. It was for me, but I had committed to it emotionally before I started. There are no pills, no shakes, none of "their"'s all real food you can buy in the store. Mostly fruit, vegetables, organic whole milk, hard boiled eggs, raw seeds and fish. There are mostly common sense habits that I followed.
I wish I could express how much better I feel. My lethargy is gone....I just feel better. I would highly recommend this cleanse to anyone who is serious about changing their life style. Since Monday, we've adopted a "clean eating" model at home....and 3 days later, everyone is still alive! I've planned our meals for the next few weeks and it seems to be a better way for me to manage this new lifestyle rather than wonder what's for dinner at 4:30pm after working all day.
Not going to lie....I'd like to lose another 8-10 pounds and get back to that magical number I have in my may or may not happen....I'm not 21 anymore....I'm going to be 45 in a few weeks.
I have to thank my parents for this gift. If it weren't for them, I'd never have known about the cleanse, since they are a company that doesn't advertise, they expand their business by word of mouth, and a customer of my dad had lost 20 lbs. on it last December. My mom had the ability to see I was drowning in misery (unknown to me) and as a result, I was trying to eat my way to feeling better. I'm that person who eats when stressed, at least I used to be. With a husband out of work ( our primary breadwinner) for 13 months, my internal stress was overwhelming. He's a planner, always ready for the worst, so the financial impact of him not working wasn't's my own worries that plagued me.
What's funny is that as soon as I started the cleanse, I received some terrible news about my dad, which normally would have sent me into a tailspin of an eating frenzy. That's how I knew that I had made the mental commitment to be healthy. The bad news (more on that later) gave me even more resolve to get healthy and stay healthy. Hopefully the 52 days of the cleanse were more than enough to create some new life long healthy habits. Wish me luck! xoxo Paula
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