Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fragile X Webring

You'll see over there to the right, that I've joined a Fragile X Webring which links other blogging FX blog owners together.
Sometimes I still cannot believe how intertwined in my life Fragile X has become. Both boys, my brother, sister...I carry it....it's constant.
There is so much MORE that I want to be doing to raise awareness and get the word out there, and I spend so much time thinking about different things I could do, but I have trouble putting all of them into action. My ideas are endless....I need to be better at taking action on my ideas.
I'm getting ready to set up a Family Foundation, which will give us a means to collect the money we fund raise and give us a name to sponsor events under, etc....logistics.
I'm trying to think of a good name...and if you have one, please e-mail it to me. I had a few, and when I searched them in LegalZoom, it turns out they were all taken either by other non-profits or companies.
I'm also trying to think of something we can create and sell that would help to raise money...the family that started the PA Fragile X Association have these GREAT necklaces (that I wear daily)
and car stickers to raise awareness. If you have ideas about that, by all means, e-mail me.
That's it for today...I hear the boys running the halls upstairs....time to get them ready for school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I need a good name for something I get a piece of paper and just start writing whatever comes to mind. Sometimes it just magically appears to me. Maybe you can get 4 or 5 ideas and one of them won't get taken.

I love those necklaces. I would love to have one too. Maybe I can put a bug in my hubby's ear that I could get one for mother's day.