Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Tuesday ain't much better....

Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad I guess.

Anthony went to work again, but still has such a nasty cough that I don't know how he manages.
Matty went back to school...about 95% better...still has to blow his nose every so often.
Then there's the Momma's Baby, Benjamin. He's still warm to the touch, and his nose runs clear like it's raining :-( I am working at home today, so I decided to keep him here with me, to give him one more day to rest and re-charge.
Had to cancel my trainer for today....HATE doing that b/c it means I have to work out once everyone is asleep..or maybe I can sneak it in if someone takes a nap.
It also means my errands won't get done....had some grocery shopping to do, dry cleaning, etc...

Still cranky....


KC said...

Poor Benji! I hope he and Anthony both feel better by now. Matty too. Nothing worse when everyone in the house is sick. Sending them some extra hugs and kisses to help them feel better.


Casdok said...

Hope every one is feeling much better soon. :)